Model Preschool Education Center

The facilities
A beautiful, owned space in the center of Veria (next to the “Apostle Paul’s Podium”) has been designed to accommodate children from 12 months to 5 years.
The construction of the building was carried out in accordance with all the specifications of the EC and all the terms of the latest regulations (general building regulations, anti-seismic regulations, building regulations, fire safety regulations, etc.) and meets the specifications of the Ministry of Health & Welfare & Ministry of Education. The whole area is equipped with the latest fire detection and fire extinguishing systems.
Stroumfakia have modern facilities and rooms equipped with the necessary educational material to offer a safe, organized and happy environment that will contribute to the positive impact of the pedagogical process. Stroumfakia have modern facilities and rooms equipped with the necessary educational material to offer a safe, organized and happy environment that will contribute to the positive impact of the pedagogical process.
At Stroumfakia we consider it our obligation to ensure a safe environment for children in order to enjoy the benefits of the pedagogical process. Both the interior and the courtyard are specially designed and constantly monitored, while the insistence on observing the rules of hygiene becomes evident from your first visit to our facilities.
As part of the focus on child safety, in collaboration with a private insurance company, we provide a free insurance program for children both for the duration of the stay at the station and during the transfer process to and from it.

In order to facilitate the parents-guardians, but also to ensure the safe and timely arrival of children to the kindergarten, we provide transportation services to and from our facilities. It is worth noting that the transfer is done by private school bus, always under the supervision of escorts in charge of compliance with the safety rules that children must follow.
During the morning there are three itineraries:
- from 07:00 to 08:00
- from 08:00 to 09:00
- from 09:00 to 10:00
Respectively, the meridian itinerary is as follows:
- from 13:00 to 14:00
- from 14:00 to 15:00
- from 15:00 to 16:00
Even during the transportation, the children are insured with a private insurance company.