We create classes depending on the age of each child, with a separate program of activities and separate pedagogical goals.

There is a baby class that consists of the following classes:
- Nursery
- Baby class
- 1st Child age class
Our main concern in these classes is the health and safety of children as well as the comprehensive socio-emotional and physical development. The educators help and take proper care of the children who are not able to serve themselves and still wear diapers, in food, in sleep and in the training of self-service. In these classes a daily program of activities is followed while parents are informed about every day.
Child class
Child class which consists of:
- Pretoddler class A’
- Pretoddler class Β’
- Pretoddler class C’
At the age level of the children’s classes, the cognitive part of the program is upgraded, both the coarse and fine mobility and the development of speech is enhanced through descriptions, narrations and dramatizations of fairy tales. Sociability develops even more as children have already adopted basic rules of group life. In these classes great emphasis is placed on their self-service.
Later, in the pre-toddler and the kindergarten classes, the program on the basis of which our teachers work are the interdisciplinary approaches and the work plans, while the first applications of literacy begin. Theatrical play, music education, visual arts, puppetry, gymnastics, environmental education, are activities that frame the program of these classes. Each month is sent to parents the monthly program of activities.
* Classes are divided based on age.